Learning to Say Yes

Last year I chose a word.

My word was "trust" - and I was going to live by it.

That five-letter-word took me on a crazy journey of learning to be open to change, open to accepting that I can't see the "why" of everything.

So, this January I chose another word.  A small word.  A hard word.....


And so here I am, not even mid-year - struggling to really grasp the depth of that word.

Yes to whatever God asks - however hard, crazy, or out of my comfort zone it may seem.

I want to live this dare.  I want to own it.

But here I am - rushing, rushing, rushing........never remembering to stop and slow and just begin again.

I need to start each day with a new perspective - His perspective - because mine doesn't work so well.

That horrendous Friday, long, long ago?

God's kingdom is an upside-down kingdom.  That day - He took it and crafted something beautiful from it.

Now we call it a good Friday.

Because this is our God - He makes beauty out of brokenness, wonders with the wrecked, marvelous things with the messed-up.

I'm not sure what He sees in me, but I know He chose me in my darkest - "I will do something with this one."  As long as I breath I have a heaven-inspired purpose - which nothing and no one can ever take from me.

And so, I am learning - slowly, so slowly - to see His purposes in every day.  To see the sacrifice that He wishes me to make in following Him every day - and boldly say yes, no matter what it is.

Yes, it's a bit crazy.

But there's nothing else I'd rather do.


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