Of Rallies & Red Lipstick (musings from Bible Quiz Nationals)

So, I came home from Bible Quiz Nationals a week ago today.

I would be in a very different place in my life had it not been for this opportunity - these Scriptures, these people, these prayers, this crazy life that God is letting me have the privilege of living.

Quizzing really has changed my life.  Before then, I was quite deeply introverted.  It was hard getting to know new people.  I also felt like when I was around my friends, I was not being 100% myself - I just kind of adapted to each group.

Then I started quizzing - determined that I would be myself, and found that it really wasn't that hard to make friends.  I know that probably sounds weird for a then 16-year-old, but it is what it is.  I've always been afraid of the way(s) others perceive me, and as I've grown older, I've been slowly learning not to care so much.

I had memorized 303 verses for this season - really only 1/4 of the material and nothing compared to what others have done, but to me that seemed huge.  When I started this, I couldn't believe someone could learn an entire chapter of the Bible.  Now I know thirteen chapters from the New Testament by heart, and I don't really know how that happened. ;)

Nationals last year was incredible.  We were in Colorado Springs - walked the Garden of the Gods, journeyed to the top of Pike's Peak, started bonding as a team, and in my case found God in ways I'd never thought of before.  Those mountains, like really made it for me.

I was kind of confused about what to expect from this year's Nationals.  Last year we were in the mountains - now we were going to be in the heart of Kansas City.  Not exactly scenic. ;)  Since last year had been our first, we hadn't expected much.  This year I felt like we had to do well, and I was highly stressing over this in my head.

But somehow, it turned out amazingly.  There weren't any mountains, and we only moved up about four places from last year - but, really.  It was our whole team piling into one hotel room to share lunch and laugh away our worries with the joy of just being together (favorite memory right there! <3).  It was the fake tattoo our captain wore around her eye (us other girls decided bright red lipstick + blue eyeshadow was cool enough ;D) for the opening rally. XD  It was our playing cards with old friends and the video/comedian guy (and as a result ending up as part of the pre-rally slideshow).  It was the exchange of mailing addresses and hugs with new friends and tears shed as the last quiz began, knowing soon we'd have to leave it all behind.  This time, it was the people who made it for me.

And I love them so, so much.


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