Who You Are

If you're anything like me, maybe you wonder sometimes how exactly you got signed up for this.  Maybe one day you take a step back, look at your life and think "How is this possible?"

You see the job and the people that God has given you and you're astounded.  "Really, God?  Why me?  I'm the last person you should've chosen."  Surely we speak like Gideon in Judges 6, “Please, Lord, how can I save Israel?  Behold, my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house.”

You've got a calling - a purpose driven by your identity in Him, and yes it may feel very scary.  I spoke in my earlier post about the fact that we must not forget Who He is.  But we must also not forget who we are.

I've heard it pointed out by several people - what if Peter began to sink in Matthew 14 not because he didn't believe in Jesus, but because he didn't believe in himself?  "How can I walk on water?  I'm not the Son of God," Peter probably thought to himself.  But in his doubting because of who he was not, he forgot who he was - the one Jesus had chosen.  The one Jesus called.  So he began to sink.

A man by the name of George MacDonald wrote “I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God's thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest and most precious thing in all thinking.”

It can be tempting to back down, to back out of our responsibilities......"I'm not capable of this."  Personally, I find myself afraid of showing weakness in the jobs and before the people I've been given.  I've believed the lie that I have to be strong and capable enough all by myself.  It's hard for me to accept help.  It's extremely difficult to put myself in situations I'm not well versed in.  But this is pride trying to run my life, and so lately I've been purposely setting out to do things that make me uncomfortable, and even a few things that terrify me.

If you're scared of something - chances are that's the very thing you should pursue with faith.  The devil isn't in the business of letting God's children follow His paths easily.

You've got to fight for your future, fight for the life and the calling(s) God has given YOU.  "You'll never make a good impression on other people unless you stop thinking what sort of impression you make," Lewis said on one of his radio talks.

You can't let your desire for other's respect distract you from what you have been called to do and who you are called to be.  No matter if they respect you or not, if they listen to you or not, regardless if they accept or agree with you.  Do what you're supposed to do and don't get caught up in what everybody else says you should be doing.

Be bold and be loud and dare to do exactly what you've been put on this earth to do.  Speak the truth over the lies and attack the devil where he stands.  You are a child of God.  You are called according to His purposes.

As long as you have God's approval, you don't need man's.  You don't need the world's applause, their respect, their rewards.

You have a hard and holy call on your life and no one can take that from you.

Don't forget who you are.


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